10 thoughts on “Credit where credit is due”

  1. President Romney? Huh? Is that a joke? My cable has been out. Is this for real? Did I miss something?


  2. If you can stomach it, trawl Balloon Juice, Yggie, Ezra and Baseball Statistics Guy Pretending to be a Lefty – the cog-dis is almost too much to bear.
    But, alas, it entertains, it entertains.
    (It burns, it burns!)


  3. I spent three or four minutes skipping around online earlier, watching the Romneycrats being all happy with their shiny new “reform” plan and their great and glorious party. It was kind of like volunteering to be a sacrificial extra in a particularly low-grade zombie flick.
    Then the alarm clock went off and woke me from the nightmare. Thankfully.


  4. Few people know this, but a thousand Martians die laughing each day. It’s from looking down on Washington DC through Marvin’s telescope. (They know they shouldn’t risk a look, but they’re addicted to high hilarity, those Martians.) Today, when the no insurance company left behind act was p assed, the deathtoll skyrocketed to 10,000 an hour. Tonight, I have it on good authority that the Galactic Council has called an emergency meeting to decide which black hole America’s remains will be escorted to.
    I. feel. sick.
    …and i’m NOT laughing…


  5. Ralph Nader’s fault, that is.
    And what do a bunch of smelly doctors know about health care? Can’t they see that a political victory is much more meaningful than tens of thousands of shmoes- who probably don’t even vote Democrat!- dying due to the high cost of health care?


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