Your indelible mental image for the day

Appropriate for so many reasons on this particular Mother's Day:

Click on the image if you just can't get enough of this heartwarming indoctrination.  This one might be my personal favorite given everything the Clinton and Obama administrations have been doing to make the Earth "feel better again", but it's hard to choose with so much top-flight competition.

7 thoughts on “Your indelible mental image for the day”

  1. I think this crossed the line from “Propaganda” into “Nightmare Fuel.” Children are supposed to read this?


  2. Eeeewwwww. You owe me a new keyboard, man. Guinness Stout is a real bitch to mop up from in between the keys.
    Y’know, though… I’ve seen some of these before, a couple of years ago, maybe.
    I’ve got a real itch to do a parody series based on these, except I’d have to give the Donkeycratic Party some of my money for a copy of the goddamn’ book.


  3. Oh lord. That I share the Earth with people who would read this crap to their kids. Do such people actually exist? Really can you imagine the person who would afflict their kids with this shit?
    I see the author went on to craft Why Mommy Voted for Obama. I wonder if he’s an operative of some kind or he does this of his own volition?
    I honestly find Special liberals scarier than teabaggers. They’re just as stupid, just as deluded, just as paranoid with an extra special layer of humanitarian zeal. If I could wish them off the face of the earth, I would.


  4. re:”I’ve got a real itch to do a parody series based on these…”
    I initially thought (hoped?) it WAS a parody. Like the previous poster, I find it hard to believe that such people exist.


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